Your building energy performance one-stop shop


Energy assessment in buildings can be comparable across Europe.
And this is what we aim for.

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Who we are

We create a common approach to building assessment.

EuB SuperHub is an Horizon 2020 project whose final goal is to develop a methodology and framework that all Member States can use.

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News and Events

Read about our latest news and events in the energy performance world

EUB SuperHub project final project meeting and networking event in Paris and online facilitated by our dissemination and communication leader CSTB

As the extended project implemenetation period close to it's term, we are gathering in Paris at the premisis of CSTB to share project achievments and seek for synergies and collaboration potnetial with fellow projects and enetities who work on the next generation of EPCs, implementation and assessmen tools.

EUB SuperHub platform - launch of Beta testing and reaching our final project milestone

We are proud to reach our final project milestone and could start working with the platform testers to gain feebacks on the desinged systems and on the platform functioning.

CEN/WS EUB SuperHub - A harmonization of KPIs for supporting the next generation of EPCs

The CEN WA EUB SuperHub has been published under the number CWA 18127. It describes the KPIs identified for the future building EPC and Passport which are considered relevant by both EPBD and building stakeholders.
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