Transnational indicators for the next generation of energy certification

Are you interested in understanding more about transnational harmonised indicators for the next generation energy certification? Let’s have a look at the public Deliverable 1.2 of EUB SuperHub!

The final result of Task 1.2, delivered by EUB SuperHub project consortium, is a harmonised list of exhaustive and robust indicators for evaluating the energy performance, sustainability and smartness of buildings in the next generation of Energy Performance Certificates. Indicators selected result from a recognition of the existing transnational set of indicators, such us the initiatives of the European Community, outputs of European Projects already concluded and standardisation process. The robustness of the selected indicators lies in the fact that they are:

- Coherent with European Commission directives and proposals

- Representative of the market needs

- Exhaustive in relation to the stakeholders demands

- Harmonised with the European Commission EPBD recast proposal

- Effective compared to the strategies for reducing energy consumption.


Next step? Let’s select, among them, the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)!