CEN/WS EUB SuperHub - A harmonization of KPIs for supporting the next generation of EPCs

The CEN WA EUB SuperHub has been published under the number CWA 18127. It describes the KPIs identified for the future building EPC and Passport which are considered relevant by both EPBD and building stakeholders.

The CEN Workshop is a flexible working platform open to the participation of any company or organisation, inside or outside Europe, for the fast elaboration of a consensus document (i.e. CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA)).

Consensus - General agreement, characterized by the absence of sustained opposition to substantial issues by an important part of the concerned interests, and by a process that involves seeking to take into account the views of all parties concerned and to reconcile any conflicting arguments.

The CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) is a technical agreement, developed by a Workshop, which reflects the agreement of registered workshop participants responsible for its content. The document designed to meet an immediate need and developed in accordance with CEN rules and practices.

Used for:

  • Emerging or rapidly-changing contexts
  • To share best-practices
  • Output of Research Projects
  • As try-out before the development of European Normalizations


The CWA EUB SuperHub – Thematic area & KPIs

The main indicators are now driven by the EPBD (Energy Performance for Building Directive), such as the SRI, which is currently being implemented in Europe, with the aim of becoming mandatory.

Some of these, as e-mobility, were pushed forward by building stakeholders, who were able to express their needs via broadly circulated questionnaires and workshops.

A total of 21 indicators were selected for the CWA EUB SuperHub.